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Apple’s self-driving Lexus test vehicle spotted in Silicon Valley Apple earlier this month received a permit to start testing self-driving car technology in California, and now the first video of the iPhone maker’s test vehicle has been spotted. The car, a white Lexus RX450h crossover, was spotted by a driver somewhere in the Silicon Valley area, and the footage was then passed along to  Bloomberg News . The car appears to be outfitted with standard third-party sensors and hardware, including a Velodyne-made LIDAR sensor, two radar units and a number of cameras, according to  Bloomberg . It’s unclear what type of data Apple is gathering here, given the secrecy of its Project Titan autonomous car unit. But we do know, from various reports and rumblings out of Cupertino, that Apple has ditched its ambitions to build an entirely new vehicle from scratch and has instead shifted focused to building autonomous software it could develop for existing car markers.
Samsung just got approved to test its self-driving cars in South Korea It turns out that Apple isn’t the only smartphone company dabbling in the trendy field of self-driving cars. According to  The Korea Herald , Samsung was just recently approved by the South Korean Ministry of Land, Infrastructure, and Transport to test autonomous cars on public roads. Little is known about Samsung’s self-driving cars, except that it’s using a “commercialized Hyundai vehicle equipped with the latest cameras and sensors,” according to the  Herald.  A spokesperson for the Seoul-based electronics company did not respond to a request for comment. In 2015, Samsung announced that it was creating a new team to work on self-driving car technologies. The division was said to focus on components rather than building an entire vehicle, while declining to go into further detail about its long-term plans. And earlier this month, Apple received a permit to start testing self-driving car techno
Developers will be able to build interfaces for the Echo Show soon Amazon’s new Echo Show doesn't run traditional apps, it's based on Alexa "skills," just like the Echo and other Alexa devices. But Amazon is going to add some new functionality to its Alexa Skills Kit for developers so they can add more visuals and interactivity to their skills on the Echo Show. First off, out of the box Echo Show uses the skill cards that already exist for Alexa — they're the same cards you see on the Alexa app or a Fire tablet. These cards can include an image and a bit of text, and Amazon encourages developers to make them "value-added content," meaning the primary interface is the voice, but the card can add extra info. For Echo Show, there will be an easy way for developers to send a video to the device, using an Amazon-built video player that controls playback with voice and touch. All a developer really needs is a URL to a video and they're i
Apple acquires sleep-tracking hardware company Beddit Apple has acquired Beddit, a Finnish company that makes sleep-tracking devices that work with apps for iOS and the Apple Watch. As first reported by CNBC, Beddit has updated the privacy section of its website to note the acquisition and confirm that consumer data is now subject to Apple’s own privacy policy. Beddit’s latest product is the $149 Beddit 3 Sleep Monitor, which is sold in the Apple Store. It’s a sensor-equipped strip that slides under a bedsheet and tracks nocturnal movements through a technique called ballistocardiography; the main advantage is that you don’t need to wear an activity tracker or remember to use it at all. Of course, that’s at odds with Apple’s own efforts in the body-tracking space, which have so far focused largely on the Apple Watch — a device that requires daily charging, usually at night. As such, the Watch doesn’t offer any native sleep-tracking capabilities, though there are so